The difference between ‘Shade’ and ‘Shadow’

The difference between ‘Shade’ and ‘Shadow’

Understanding the Difference Between Shade and Shadow While the terms “shade” and “shadow” may seem like they mean the same thing, they actually refer to two different ideas. Shade refers to an area that is protected from direct sunlight, often providing relief from the sun’s heat. For example, sitting under a tree on a hot…


Business Surprises: Words to describe uncertainty

Businesses often face unexpected changes and challenges that can be hard to predict. This could be because of things like prices going up and down, what customers want changing all the time, or the economy being unstable. In this discussion, we’ll look at some words that describe these uncertainties in business. These adjectives are better…

Tall or High

Tall or High

Tall or High? These 2 words mean essentially the same thing. What’s more, we often use them interchangeably. However, there are some differences which luckily follow some simple rules. Up Both ‘tall’ and ‘high’ refer to something that is up and usually more ‘up’ than most things Skinny or Fat? high = things that are…